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strontium aluminate中文是什么意思

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  • 铝酸锶


  • Analysis on the microstructure of calcium strontium aluminate sulfate c ement with hydrated setting and its synthesis
  • The systhesized samples are the mixture of different strontium aluminate crystal by means of x - ray diffractometer analysis
  • Cerium ' s luminescence in the strontium aluminate are found that is a breakthrough for inaugurate new cheaper luminescence material
  • Eu2 + ion activated strontium aluminate phosphors are a kind of photoluminescent materials with high brilliance , long afterglow and stable performance
  • In the study of cerium activate the strontium aluminate , the x - ray diffraction icon and sem photo are listed , the concentration of cerium that influence the luminescence are discussed
  • The abundant and cheap raw material terbium and cerium are selected as the activated dose in this study , their luminescence capability and principium in the strontium aluminate are studied , the afterglow of terbium in the strontium aluminate are discussed
  • In the study of terbium activate the strontium aluminate , a lot of experiment were done based the changes such as terbium , compounding temperature , reducer etc , the prime concentration of terbium and compounding temperature are confirmed , high quality green terbium actived phosphor are compounded
  • The influence of chroma is investigated on physical compound of long - persistent red phosphor and strontium aluminate phosphors doped with eu2 + is investigated . lt is found that the long - persistent white phosphor can be acquired when red phosphor and strontium aluminate phosphors are mixed with molar proportion of 100 : 20
    研究了红色磷光体与掺eu铝酸盐磷光体的物理复合及对色度的影响,实验发现红色磷光体与铝酸盐磷光体按100 : 20比例混配可获得接近白色长余辉磷光体。
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